
The American Legion Joseph L Davis Post 47

Congratulations to our very own City of Havre de Grace Police Officer T. Pershun for not only being The American Legion (TAL) Northern Central Region Law Officer of the Year but also being TAL Department of Maryland Law Officer of the Year. His packet has now been sent to compete as TAL National Law Officer of the Year. Please congratulate Officer T. Pershun for all his accomplishments. It's quite an honor to have him in HDG!! Way to go Officer Pershun!!! It's very clear that you deserve this recognition and we wish you luck in competing for the National Award.
A little about this award: Each year, The American Legion gives its National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award to a well-rounded law enforcement officer who has exceeded the duty requirements expected of his or her position and has demonstrated a distinct pattern of community service coupled with professional achievement. The award, which especially takes into account heroic acts, is presented annually at the Legion's national convention.
Department Law and Order Committees are encouraged to select and honor a Law Enforcement Officer of the Year at their conventions. Departments nominate their winners for the national award by submitting an application to The American Legion, Attn: National Security-Foreign Relations Division, 1608 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Applications must be received no later than Feb. 1. Departments may only submit one nomination per year. Only department winners are eligible for the national award, which should be accepted at the national convention.
Nominees must be U.S. citizens and living, active, full-time and paid, sworn law enforcement officers entrusted with full authority and the powers of arrest. Posthumous awards will be acceptable only if the nominee's death has occurred after the department's selection.
Nominees must be assigned to or fully recognized by municipal, county, district or state police; highway patrol; sheriff's office or as a sworn federal law enforcement officer (FBI, Secret Service agent,
U.S. Marshal, National Park Police, U.S. Capitol Police, etc.) Military police officers or investigators are eligible if they are state law enforcement certified.
Nominees must also reside and be assigned or attached for duty in the nominating department. Federal agents serving overseas should be nominated by the overseas department.
The American Legion will provide round-trip coach airfare or vehicle mileage, in accordance with its employee mileage reimbursement rates, staff per diem for two days, two tickets to National Commander’s Banquet, and lodging for one night in accordance with travel policies of The American Legion for an individual recipient or a single representative of a group or organization to receive the award at National Convention. The American Legion will not provide for any incidental expenses or any expenses incurred by guests accompanying the award recipient.
The National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award recognizes officers who go above the call of duty. A major secondary purpose of this award is to encourage further development of department and post Law and Order Committees through continued recognition of law enforcement officers. It is firmly believed this award serves to promote public trust and support of our law enforcement agencies.
************* If you know Officer Pershun, congratulate him and thank him for his dedication and all his hard work. 
Ed McCann, our Safety Officer, also deserves a big hand for putting all the packets together and awarding the participants with plaques.
1.  The Wreaths Across America ceremonies will be at Angel Hill and Mt Erin Cemeteries on 18 Dec @ 1400 hrs (2 pm).  Please join us at one of the cemeteries to lay a wreath on a veteran.  Let no Veteran be forgotten!  We will be laying close to 900 wreaths this year and, of course, children and grandchildren are welcome.
2.  The annual New Year's Eve Bash had to be cancelled.  Band members got Covid and a replacement band could not be found this late date.  The SAL will have a New Year's Bash instead on 22 Jan.
3.  As always, we'll be serving free meals for Veterans and their families the week after Christmas from 11:30-1:00.  Legionnaires will be preparing the meal on 27 Dec.  All the other days are taken by the rest of our American Legion Family or our partners (Hogs and Heroes; Broken Spoke Family Association).  Since I don't cook, looking for a few volunteers to do the cooking on the 27th.  Help please.  I hear that men are great chefs!!  Is that true, ladies?  lol
4.  Our blood drive is on 15 Jan.  If you can share your blood to give Life to someone, please register on the Red Cross website.
5.  Bored in winter with nothing to do?  The Highlander games will be in our backyard during the Winter Celtic Festival the last weekend in Jan.  The festival includes Celtic tribes (12 members) facing the challenges at each Pub during the crawls on Friday and Sat (28-29 Jan).
6.  Feb --- Valentines Day Dinner (more info to follow).
7.  Mar -- St Paddy's Day Dinner (more info to follow)
8.  Mar - Happy Birthday American Legion & Early Bird Dinner (if you're not an Early Bird, request a $10 donation)
Oh, by the way (this applies to only a few Legionnaires) if your membership card says 2021, your 6-month grace period is about to expire.  2022 started 1 Jul 2021.  It's super easy to renew online:  https://www.legion.org/renew or just send me your money.  It's still just $40/year.
A couple of our members have looked into receiving a grant for historical buildings.  Requirement:  must have a History Room/Museum and be open to the public by appointment or during specific events.  Application deadline is at end of Feb.  What do you have or think you can get that is museum quality and will help our Post establish such a room??  Step right up with your donation please.  We can really use the $100K to renovate/restore our building.  Our building was built in 1834 (we're getting close to our 200th building birthday). Other than high utility bills for being so old, there have to be some benefits, right?  Please look at your "stuff" and let us know early next year if you'd like to help with this tremendous and worthwhile project.
Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!  Wishing everyone health, love, laughter and fun this month (and always).